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I’m ready to work out my Zakat

Working out your Zakat isn’t always easy. Use our step-by-step calculator to make sure you get it right. Or if you know how much to give already, just Skip to Give Zakat

What I Own

Please fill in the options that you think may apply to you.


What I Owe

Please fill in the options that you think may apply to you.


All done!

Here's a summary of the information you've provided and how much Zakat you need to give.

What I have.
Minus what I owe
is equal to:
Today's Nisab is:
So my Zakat (2.5%) is:

Would you like a copy of your Zakat calculation? Enter your email address above and we'll send you a copy for future reference. We'll also follow-up with information about other services provided by National Zakat Foundation. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time.

Step 0 of 3

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